Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

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Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby meriad » 22 Apr 2020, 09:51

.... in the next few weeks / months.

Looking at a stats chart - 5th of April we had the most new reported cases of the virus here in the UK; the only day the numbers went above 6000. And it's been a steady up and down since.... The death rate some say is double what is actually being reported because quite a number happen outside hospitals. Lock down is until 7th May; so another two weeks come tomrrow - so one wonders just what next.

Personally I think they'll start easing lock down and allow more people to head back to work - almost like they have to which is this ongoing lives vs livelihood debate. But just how this will affect people working in and commuting to larger cities will be interesting. There is no defnite proof that masks are preventing the spread of the virus - yes they'll slow it a bit, but so many home made masks just won't be enough of a barrier. How can they impose social distancing on public transport; trains that are usually running 1/3 over capacity. I was talking to a colleague the other day and he and I think that rush hour as we once knew it will probably change quite a bit with more people working flexible hours to try avoid crowded trains, spreading the commuter load. I probably will ask to get in earlier and then leave a lot earlier and work from home in the afternoons. We won't have client meetings for some time - video calls are working quite well for now and I suspect they'll be format for most of this year still. I can forward the incoming phone to my mobile and deal with a lot from here.

And then domestically - do you think the new trend of more cooking from scratch / less food waste / more hygiene etc; will that continue or how long will it take for many to go back to old habits?

Do you think we humans have learned a lesson and will remember it.

I wonder if we compare notes in one years' time - what our views are then?
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby saundra » 22 Apr 2020, 10:47

From what I read on other forums people are liking the slower pace of life they are using local shops and delivery , places like butchers veg shops even the local bakery so yes that's nice they all say they will carry on supporting them when thing get better
I think even a lot of children are seeing more of there parents now which can,be good and more relaxed now im,elderly and m.y life began in,the war I can,remember ration books and things being scarce but we never had the modern day things of today
I actually feel sorry for children today they have all the gadgets but no freedom
To be honest the modern electronic world will soon draw us back into it's world it I very much hope we as people have learnt something from it
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 22 Apr 2020, 11:36

I hate to say this but I think that there will be a headlong rush to get back to as much of the "old" normal as is possible for many people, but it will not be available to us all..

If we do stay something like we are at present it will not be through choice it will be because lots of things will have disappeared. Ever so many venues of all types, shops, pubs, clubs, cafes etc, will have gone for good. People will be cash strapped, with many in negative equity. Prices of real essentials, as well as taxes, will rise. Life will be harder than it was.

Then there is the plus side. We will be less inclined to throw away things in order to get the latest. We might get used to being out and about in the open. There is already a movement to have things that are repairable; that might be the new norm. We could get into the hang of cooking things rather than just watching them being made by some sleb cook on TV. TBH there are quite a few things to look forwards to.

I'll stay hopeful whilst recognising that it will be a tough ask for many of us.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby saundra » 22 Apr 2020, 11:55

I agree WM I hate to see all this throw away stuff just being dumped for .It's new stuff we are in a throw away society. I we want every thing like yesterday can't wait for Amazon to deliver
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby jenniren » 22 Apr 2020, 12:58

Workingman wrote:I hate to say this but I think that there will be a headlong rush to get back to as much of the "old" normal as is possible for many people, but it will not be available to us all..

I tend to agree WM, certainly us oldies with underlying conditions will have to remain in lock down for some time yet. I truly hope the relaxation is done in a sensible way, but I tend to think some people will ignore the advice, we must hope people will not rush into things too quickly or we'll be seeing another rise in cases. Opening hairdressers for example is a worry, how can you social distance while having your hair washed and cut is beyond me. I for one won't be rushing back to mine, her attitude was very much 'it's only flu, what's all the fuss' doesn't exactly inspire confidence!!
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Gal2 » 22 Apr 2020, 13:10

I firmly believe we won't have seen the last of Covid19, not by a long chalk. This current lockdown may end up leading to more, in stages, as we 'flatten the curve' for the NHS. You have to remember, this is the reason for the lockdown, so we don't inundate the NHS all at once, not necessarily 'just' to eradicate the virus.

As to life beyond this time....who knows? I think people have a rosy idea of things being the way they were before it all happened, but I think we may be suffering the effects of this for many months to come.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby saundra » 22 Apr 2020, 13:32

It's certainly not going to be easy for a very long time
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Kaz » 22 Apr 2020, 16:57

Workingman wrote:If we do stay something like we are at present it will not be through choice it will be because lots of things will have disappeared. Ever so many venues of all types, shops, pubs, clubs, cafes etc, will have gone for good. People will be cash strapped, with many in negative equity. Prices of real essentials, as well as taxes, will rise. Life will be harder.

I agree, and quite honestly I don't think things will ease off any time soon - I'm watching the briefing, and Raab and Whitty are saying that there won't be any hope of a vaccine any time soon, and the only measures they have are social ones.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Kaz » 22 Apr 2020, 17:01

meriad wrote:....

I wonder if we compare notes in one years' time - what our views are then?

Ria, that's an intriguing idea - I think I will "sticky" this, so we can do just that! :idea: :!:
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 22 Apr 2020, 17:15

I like the idea of the "sticky", we can compare and contrast as time goes by.

I am fortunate that I am able to "go back" without too much effort.

I cook from fresh and have a good range of recipes to choose from, and I often do bulk meals to stock the freezer. I can sew on a button, repair a torn seam or a rip and I know how to wash and iron things. I am of an age where all my clothes are either in or out of fashion, depending on the day of the week. My phone does calls and texts and I do not need it to do anything else. My TV is big enough to see and because I need glasses to watch it having a super HD three metre job would be a waste of space. The Nissan Note goes from A to B and back on petrol fumes.

Not much will change for me.

However, if I was thirtysomething with young children and a mortgage then there would have to be huge changes. They, and people like them as well as those a bit younger, are the ones I worry about. I can see them needing lots of practical help, maybe in the form of "life" classes and support, in order to get by in the short term.
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