FAO Saundra - Boots!

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FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby Diflower » 03 Jan 2017, 16:52

I discovered today that you can return stuff to Boots without a receipt :D
One of my presents was two things I just won't use, silly for them to sit in the cupboard, so I looked up their returns policy ;)
Took both items, no problem, asked if I wanted something else instead (I think you get a credit/gift card otherwise), so I got a new bottle of facial oil, which will be running out anytime now.
And I thought of you and your Royal Jelly, and assumed it was Boots but of course may not be :) xx
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby meriad » 03 Jan 2017, 17:06

Thats good of them... and good customer service like that means you'll go back ;)

I was given some Jo Malone stuff from my boss (well his fiance really), one of which is a bath oil which I don't use so I'm looking to exchange that next weekend in Guildford.
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby Kaz » 03 Jan 2017, 19:09

That's excellent customer service :) Nice one Di :)
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby saundra » 03 Jan 2017, 22:03

Ho dif thanks for info I know it's from boots I'm not ungrateful but I really don't like it :Hi:
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby Ally » 03 Jan 2017, 22:15

It makes total sense to exchange it for something that you'd really like Saundra..happy swapping. :D :D
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby Diflower » 03 Jan 2017, 22:15

I felt the same Saundra, a bit guilty but they would have been wasted xx
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby miasmum » 03 Jan 2017, 22:20

If I bought someone something they didn't like, I would far rather they took it back and changed it than it went to waste. Dont feel guilty Saundra, we all have different taste
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby JoM » 03 Jan 2017, 22:24

I wouldn't like it either Saundra.

I've got a couple of Boots gifts but one I had for Christmas 2015, it's a set of very small measuring cups in a vintage design and I think they were a sale purchase as all I can find online about them is that this particular design was issued in time for Christmas 2014. This year the same person bought me a Boots salt and pepper pot set, in the shape of ducks with chintzy flowers on them. Can't find them on the website so I'm wondering if they were bought in last year's January sale. I know the person who bought them does a lot of sale shopping.
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby Kaz » 03 Jan 2017, 22:26

Oh I agree, much better to have something you will actually use :)
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Re: FAO Saundra - Boots!

Postby saundra » 04 Jan 2017, 19:28

Wish I had known this last year that box full went to the charity shop
And I can swop it for champney stuff in boots
Jo how annoying we all must have stuff we don't much like
Have to say my bill didn't have much of a clue for gifts stuff cute toy c
Scarf body shop brilliant and some chocolate :roll:
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