Good morning all. We had a lovely day. Sorry I was awol from here, I was in the kitchen.
For lunch we had ham, chicken, pasta salad, green salad, potato salad, curried eggs, potato Pom poms, then for desert, pavlova, ambrosia, triffle, strawberries, fruit salad, and jelly.
For dinner we had canapés, then turkey, and left over ham, pasta salad, green salad replated and refreshed, rice salad, whole potatoes, then desert was sugar free jelly, chocolate pavlova, steamed fruit pudding with custard
I needed a bigger fridge. I had 4 chilli bins running as well at one point and cycling stuff in and out of my deep freezer to keep it cold but not freeze it.
My in laws stayed last night, so we were on the air bed. A fold out bed is on the shopping list for this coming year. FIL thinks he might have just driven for the last time, so time to prepare a more permanent bedroom.
Today, I'm exhausted. Leftovers I think for the next 3 days.