Is there a law about taking something that's been dumped

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Re: Is there a law about taking something that's been dumped

Postby debih » 14 May 2013, 21:19

Thats the way I've always understood it.

If you hit and kill something you aren't supposed to stop and pick it up but its fine if you are in the car behind.

I suppose it stops people aiming their cars at animals!!!!
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Re: Is there a law about taking something that's been dumped

Postby pederito1 » 15 May 2013, 08:39

I believe that is so too, Debs. If you kill an animal you are not allowed to take it, but if you find one dead it is legal to acquire it. There was a programme on the tele recently of a man who made a point of collecting and eating road kill. I suppose you could always go up the road a bit ,make a U turn and go back to collect something you had killed. :) Sorry you did not get the container Merry.


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