FAO Gal!

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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby miasmum » 17 Dec 2016, 15:41

Fingers still crossed here Gal xx
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby miasmum » 18 Dec 2016, 15:12

Still sending vibes and crossing fingers Gal xxxx
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby Gal » 18 Dec 2016, 16:52

Aw thanks Shell - no news to report as yet though :o

I'm beyond worried....there are only two alternatives I think, either he's locked in somewhere, or he's been injured/killed. There's nothing else that would prevent him getting back home.

My heart is thudding hard all the time....it's the not knowing that's hardest.

Re: FAO Gal!

Postby Ally » 18 Dec 2016, 16:54

We'll keep our fingers crossed Gal. xx
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby Workingman » 18 Dec 2016, 17:16

Gal, are there any new cats or dogs in the area, ones who Smudge might be wary of? If he was being chased he might have become disorientated yet still be quite near.
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby tonicha » 18 Dec 2016, 17:41

I know I posted here earlier - but disappeared :evil: :evil:

Keeping everything crossed that he's just locked in somewhere Gal - happened to one of ours, years ago. He came back, a week later, skinny as a rake and starving. And thirsty.
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby meriad » 19 Dec 2016, 09:45

Gal, go knocking on the neighbours doors again and try and speak to as many as you can face to face asking them to check their sheds again and leave the door open a few minutes - very rough rule of thumb; two roads in either direction of you. Esp as most people will simply open the shed door, look and then see nothing and close it again and Smudge may actually hide further in. Best would be if you could check the sheds yourself. Also remember to ask the postman ask if anyone has gone on holiday, houses empty etc... Also ask if anyone had late night / early morning deliveries the day he went missing, in case he jumped into a delivery truck.

Finally, if you haven't yet; if it's safe enough to do, head out about 3am and walk around calling him. it's really quiet then and noise will travel further; so if he is somewhere he'll hear you and (I think you said he's a quiet cat) but hopefully will make enough noise for you to know where he may be.
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby JoM » 19 Dec 2016, 15:21

Come on home Smudge xx
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Re: FAO Gal!

Postby Gal » 20 Dec 2016, 13:30

Thanks all. I have exhausted all the possibilities I think, it's just a waiting game now.

What puzzles me is that I have had no news of ANY sightings - this little spot where we live is quite a close community and everyone knows Smudge, he is quite a character! No-one has seen him that I have spoken to - that in itself is a massive concern and makes me think he has met his end.

I'm sorry none of the smilies to my right are relevant to how I'm feeling atm. It's like a bereavement.

Re: FAO Gal!

Postby JoM » 20 Dec 2016, 13:34

Oh Gal (((((((xxx)))))))
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