I had forgotten the child's name pederito saw a documentary on him, lovely little boy. She was seeking comfort when she got involved with different men, poor woman felt bereft at her situation. Charles was still having an affair with Camilla up to his wedding day.. I felt sorry for his predicament but even more sorry for Dianna and even more sorry for her children..
I think she just had very ..er..advanced views on sex. Sure she did have a gyne exam and I expect Kate too but the idea of an embryo is I am sure sheer fantasy. There was a story in the week of two dead ringers who were completely unrelated.
I think the woman was lonely, felt abandoned, craved for love. Her mother was no comfort to her, she was virtually alone and abandoned.. Andrews other half influenced her, now if there any thing to recommend her I cannot name it any more than I can for Andrew.. I am a Royalist but my loyalty is to The Queen it ends there... cannot say too much in praise for the rest of the hangers on. (Maybe apart from Edward)