Morning all, it's a gorgeous day here and considerably warmer than yesterday. I felt ill during the night so was awake for a good while and am fairly tired - but that's the common condition in this house at the moment anyway apart from Michael! Speaking of which, the little man started big school today, so they were up bright and early and it was emotional seeing him going off in his uniform with Mummy and Daddy. Of course, he had to have a bit of golf in the garden with Grandad before going, I've put a couple of pics on the Photo Board. Mr. Osc was saying to me when they were gone that he's sure they would have preferred him going from their house but it was kinda nice having him leaving for his first day at school from our house, just like his Mummy.
Our buyers have agreed to give us an extra week in the house which is great, and we have booked a holiday apartment to move into for a week after that, then hopefully Miss Osc's house will be ready. The other solicitor had a dig saying that they were ok with it, but felt it was ironic that we should ask considering the pressure we had put them under to sign the contract
What a stupid man, when he was the primary cause of all the delay
Supermarket shop today and maybe not much else as I am so tired. Mr. Osc is heading off for a game of golf in a while. Have a good day everyone