Pretty miserable day here - fog, drizzle, rain, and cold enough to need a cardi, socks and ankle boots with my jeans
Went off this morning to a big electrical place as we are meeting our kitchen supplier on Wednesday and need to have an idea of what we want - he suggested a place to go, but to be honest it looks expensive and a lot of the applicances have far more bells and whistles than we would want. Michael was with us and was good as gold, taking an interest
Then we went to a big Tesco complex nearby that used to have a reasonably good food court, only to discover that all the food outlets have closed but one. The only place left didn't have anything that looked that nice, so we just came home and had lunch here. Poor Michael couldn't get out in the garden to play golf, but he and Mr. Osc went to the old post office where they played football and other games and both came home like grubby little boys! He helped Grandad get our dinner, and his mummy got home in time to give him his bath and put him to bed. Hope this weather doesn't go on for too long, not nice to go straight from summer to winter