Good morning Wednesday

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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby victor » 11 Jun 2014, 08:59

morning all,clear sky again

happy birthday to all who have one today
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Diflower » 11 Jun 2014, 12:26

Afternoon :)
Another early start here, for my appt in Southampton (will update on health board).
Easier on such a beautiful day though, and Bb didn't have to work till this afternoon so we had a lovely lazy drive back.
First stopped at Hythe where we could see the hugest cruise ship - must look it up - and our favourite café for coffee and toasted sausage sarnies :D
Then drove on to Calshot, where we could have instead had our brunch at the tiny beach café but you never can be sure if it's open and there's nothing else there (even the sign says 'open 11ish, unless I've had a late night) :D
Back through lovely parts of the Forest and Beaulieu, saw ponies and tiny foals, and cows with tiny calves, but only one (very pregnant) donkey and no Shetlands :)

Happy Birthdays to Don and Amy, hope they're both having fab days :)
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 11 Jun 2014, 13:35

Sounds like a beautiful drive home Di 8-) :)

Been to town for a couple of bits and bobs - the bank for money and to top up H's phone, some salad and baby potatoes to go with the cold chicken tonight - and that's about it really, lovely walking round in the sunshine 8-) 8-)
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Osc » 11 Jun 2014, 14:12

Afternoon all, quite a pleasant day here but not the lovely sunshine you all seem to have, just occasional glimpses of it. We spent the morning dismantling the wardrobe in Miss Osc's room, as we want to take it with us when we move - well, he dismantled it, I stood and held things. He has gone to play pitch and putt with Michael and SIL and I am just off to the library and post office. When I get back, I need to do some organising of clothes for our weekend away, I've put out most of what we will be taking and you would think we were going for a week, but a dance weekend does require a lot of clothes especially as there is a black tie do on Saturday night, cue the posh frock!! We'll be away for three nights and we are looking forward to the break after six weeks of staying close to home. Happy Birthday to Don and Amy, hope they both have lovely days. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone :)
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 11 Jun 2014, 14:14

Sounds like just what you need Osc, I hope you have a fabulous weekend 8-) :)
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby victor » 11 Jun 2014, 16:06

my good morning not here? must be somewhere still in the great beyond
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