Shell, Pepper went beserk with joy - she was lying on the back of the sofa looking out of the window, waiting for Mick anyway - when she saw B she flew off there and hit the floor running She always welcomes any of us home with lots of barks and cuddles, and Becky got LOTS of attention
I say barks but schnauzers make a funny noise that isn't quite a bark, and not quite a whine or a yap
Great that she's finally back, not good that they had to wait though. So glad she had a brilliant time, especially after the last minutes worries - can't wait to see her photos
Becks has been tagged in a few pics on Facebook and I have shared those on there Jo. Loads more to come when B puts her own on - she's very tired today. She got up about 10, had a shower and dressed unpacked her case, had a bit of a chat with me and has crashed again! I'll give her a shout when lunch is ready!