Afternoon all, it was a glorious day although it's clouding over now, but I was enticed into the front garden for my semi-annual clearing of weeds and stuff, then Mr. Osc did some work on the berberis, cutting it right back. I've also made property tax returns for here and for the old post office building - a new tax which has just come in and there is no getting away with it, although the Revenue has made some very arbitrary estimates! If both properties were worth what they say, we could try to sell up and sail away into the sunset with the proceeds Just about to have lunch, need to make some scones, then shower and hairwash before going out dancing tonight. I've also booked a skip for early Monday to clear out more stuff from the post office building - it's mostly wood and I've tried to get rid of it on Gumtree, but no luck, so a skip it is. We did give away a lot of it to people with wood burning stoves, so it didn't all go to waste.
Have a good day everyone