Aw Kaz, get well soon xxx
Afternoon was harder, as I thought it would be....I put the full amount through on someone's sale rather than deposit only, so had to clear the whole thing and start again...I got hpne call after phone call, mostly long queries, whilst trying to dispense everyone who was in for a test, one lady had two pairs. Then there was an altercation from a parent who had forgotten her child's appointment and phoned to re-book, couldn't fit her in this week and oh next week they're back at school - but she's scratched her lenses really badly and could I get them sorted this afternoon? Er, no because they'd have to go to the lab and wouldn't be back in time for school next week, and anyway her prescription would be invalid because it is out of date.....*sigh* I was rather relieved when she asked if she could go to another opticians.....
I'm glad I'm off tomorrow - got a GP appt at 9.30 to have a blood test and BP check and then I'm off for my weekly coffee and cake
Might pop in and see Jan first, need to speak to her and not seen her this week. Then got the littlies for a couple of hours in the afternoon.....if I'm not online tomorrow that's why!!
Have a nice evening xxx