Good morning Thursday

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Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 20 Feb 2014, 07:34

Good morning. :D

I've just come back from a lovely walk and it's a bee-yoo-tiful day. 8-) 8-)

Today Don's debit card is being hammered as we're booking flights for March, May and June! :lol: :lol:

Can I ask for some vibes for my lovely mum please - she has to go to hospital today for some COPD tests and they always make her black out and feel dreadful. :(

Work at 4.30 and meeting Don afterwards for a wee cerveza or two. :D

Enjoy the day.
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Diflower » 20 Feb 2014, 08:28

Morning Ally, morning all :)
Wind and rain here - supposed to clear later :? No way anyone could actually enjoy a walk in it!

Loads of vibes for your mum and hope the tests go ok (((x)))
Don't know what I'm doing today, other than still trying to catch up with h-wordy stuff.
Hope everyone has a good day
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Feb 2014, 08:38

Morning all :)

Ally your poor mum!! Sending vibes for her, and hugs for you ((((((x)))))))

Di it's not too good here either - yesterday was absolutely gorgeous too :roll: Let's hope it clears up a bit later xxx

I've woken with a sharp pain in my stomach :? I don't feel at all ill with it though, so hopefully it will wear off soon..............It's a fast day so I'll be taking it fairly easily anyway :? :!: Harry goes back to his dad's this evening - it's been lovely to have him here, we've had a good week together :) I'll miss him..........

Have a good day everyone :) xxxx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Lozzles » 20 Feb 2014, 08:47

Morning chums. Rain again here too. Yesterday was lovely, so Jasper had a good long run. It was nice to be able to go with D too, now he is home :D He is off to say a proper goodbye to his colleagues this lunchtime.
I shall be doing housey stuff today I think :roll:
Kaz, it must have been lovely to have H for a week. Of course you will miss him x
Wishing everyone a goodly day xxx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby debih » 20 Feb 2014, 08:56

Morning all. Rain here too.

No plans for today other than pushing the Hoover around.

L is off to a friends for a sleepover tonight and S has a friend coming here.

I have Bokwa and Pilates later.

Hope your mum is ok Ally.
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby victor » 20 Feb 2014, 09:26

morning all ,lovely start to the day here

best wishes for your Mum Ally

search called off for the missing German ,seas were so rough on Tuesday they were only able to search the coastline
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby saundra » 20 Feb 2014, 09:37

morning everybody
after yesterdays mini spring time
its damp dull and misserable
its a potter day today
kaz have a hug for today
perhapes B will be home soon
lozz imglad you are enjoying having D home
and ally vibes for your mum
have a good day everybody
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Osc » 20 Feb 2014, 10:07

Morning all, it was lovely and sunny when we got up around 8am, but has completely clouded over now. Michael is here for the whole day as he is on mid-term break - currently he is in the garden, Grandad is painting walls and M is playing golf (now there's a surprise). More golf on the schedule later in the day I would imagine, maybe at the nearby pitch and putt and also we might go down to the seafront so Michael can go on his scooter. Going to change the bedlinen and maybe do some ironing, so busy busy today! Hugs for your Mum, Ally xx Have a good day everyone :)
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby tonicha » 20 Feb 2014, 10:19

Morning everyone

Cloud, blue sky and some sunshine this morning.

Good luck for your mum today Ally, sending you all huge hugs xxx

Had a lie-in, as defits a sickly person :lol: So why was it me who made the coffee? Twice? :roll:

Not doing a lot today, still get jiggered if I do too much, and as we bought 6 books for a euro yesterday, I'll be reading :D But I also need to do some ironing :(

Hope you all have as good a day as you can xx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Aggers » 20 Feb 2014, 10:57

Good morning,all.

Hope you are all well.

Good luck for your mum today Ally.


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