Need your thoughts on this please

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Need your thoughts on this please

Postby lissie » 03 Feb 2014, 22:53

My husband (as you know) has had 5 strokes and i look after him.
People have said i should claim carers allowance as i help him cope and drive him everywhere he wants,
look after his medication and encourage him and wake up and check on him numerous times a night :cry:
I am loathe to do this as i love him and married him for better or worse and should`nt charge for caring for
What do you think--your comments please.

lissie :D
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Rodo » 03 Feb 2014, 22:58

Of course you should claim it Lissie. I took it for granted that you would have it already.
AgeUK will help you with the claim if you contact them.

Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Ally » 03 Feb 2014, 23:03

You're just being a loving caring wife lissie and doing what I think we'd all do in similar circumstances.

But why not claim for anything if it's there and available for you to do so.

You could always use it as treats for you and your hubby if that would make you feel better about it. x
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Diflower » 03 Feb 2014, 23:08

Of course you should claim it Lissie.
It's to help you both. It means if you're tired or not feeling so good yourself, you can afford a taxi instead of driving.
You can also get a bit of help should you want or need it - cleaning, for instance.

Good advice from Rodo, AgeUK will help you x
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Workingman » 03 Feb 2014, 23:14

Yes, Lissie, you should claim.

It is not a "gift", you paid tax and national insurance to cover these things; also getting "Carers" opens up other avenues for help, help you might need at some stage.

£billions of these types of benefits go unclaimed every year.
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby miasmum » 03 Feb 2014, 23:28

Absolutely you should claim it, I agree with WM you have paid your dues, now take the benefits.

We used to claim carer's allowance for Luke. At the time it protected my National Insurance contributions, so I would have been silly not to. But I still thought the same, we as in us and all our families have paid our taxes we should be able to claim what is ours
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby jenniren » 04 Feb 2014, 01:12

I'm not sure what the position is regards carers allowance right now lissie, but when we had mother living with us (almost 3yrs ago) I was told I wasn't eligible if earning over a certain amount or if I was in receipt of a government old age pension. What we could claim, or rather mother could, was attendance allowance. Actually there are two levels but both are more than CA and it's not means tested at all. The claim form is quite complicated, well they will do anything not to pay, but AgeUk were very happy to help and mother was awarded the full amount, definitely worth applying for and allows you to pay for anything that benefits the recipient.

The money is paid direct to the claimant and honestly lissie it would be a great idea for both of you.
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby KateLMead » 04 Feb 2014, 07:27

Oh Lissie, such wonderful love and devotion , not easy twenty four hours a day seven days and nights a week, I am sure you become very tired.
Age Concern will help and guide you, they are a wonderful organisation. Don't give up pursue the avenues suggested. Pursue all suggestions from the wonderful posters on VV.

Loving vibes and energy coming your way ((((((((Lissie)))))))))
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby debih » 04 Feb 2014, 07:59

Of course you should see if you can claim it Lissie. If you are eligible and it might help then claim it.

My mum is devoted to my dad and she claims it for caring for my dad - it doesn't mean she loves him any less.

That little bit extra helps pay for taxis, etc for him to get to the doctors, etc.
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby tonicha » 04 Feb 2014, 08:04

Have to agree with everyone else Lissie. You shouil get some help with the forms though - they really do make it very difficult.

Good luck with it xx
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