Morning all
We've been awake ages and I have showered, hoovered and tidied round a bit, but am still not dressed - loving these lazy days this week, with Mick off work
We're out shortly though, we told Becks we'd run her up to the huuuge Asda as their pharmaacy sells the malaria tablets - Malarone? - she needs for Borneo, and she also wants to drop her CV into the big pet supermarket the other side of town.........normally she'd bus it, or maybe I would bus it with her and have some lunch out with her, but as Mick is off he volunteered to drive us - I might treat him to some lunch for his trouble, just a quick snack probably
First though we'll need to pop to D's (MIL's) to use her printer for B's revised CV as out printer is kaput
So this lazy day is going to get busy
Ton enjoy your speccy shopping
Weka lovely to 'see' you, good news re the tenant
Debih that sounds a PITA, hope all goes well xxxx
Hope you get your delivery Saundra
Di it's so annoying, why do insurance companies give all their discounts to new customers instead of rewarding the loyal ones???