...was such a good day.
We all met for the dyslexia/hearing problem meeting - it was incredibly interesting, so informative and helpful.
Myself and the other staff were then taken to lunch by boss lady (Liz) to one of the most popular restaurants in our town.
I had garlic bread with and without cheese, salad and a huge bolognaise pizza.
Coffee and cake.
Don then came and met me and we went into Malaga x**s shopping - I got everything I had written down on my list!! Result!
I also bought a fabby dress, new undies, some skinny jeans and a pair of Converse.
We then went to Calle Larios to have a look at the lights - we'll go back in again between Christmas and New Year as that is when things get really cranked up for Santa's visit.
We then went for a couple of beers and had some tapas....yes, I was hungry again.
Back to our town in time for the second half of the Malaga - Real Madrid game at Paco's where we met up with Eva and Salvi....we got home at 1am which meant I was out the house since 8.30 that morning.
No wonder I'm staying in today.