My relaxing day tomorrow

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My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby debih » 13 Feb 2014, 14:26

I have finished work now until 24th January. (Schools finish tomorrow).

I have a lovely relaxing day planned. First I was going to take Millie on a nice long walk along the canal (weather permitting), then I was going to have a facial and get my nails done (early birthday gift from a friend) and then I was meeting 6 friends for a long lunch - we haven't all got together for along time so really looking forward to it.

However, I will now be leaving the house quite early to battle my way through the traffic to get to Chesterfield. I will then be spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to find somewhere to park in the Royal Hospital's ridiculously small car park. I will then be looking for the Suite 8 ready for an appointment at 9.30am. Which will no doubt either be running stupidly late or we will get in on time but then be sent for lots of different tests, meaning that making my 12.30pm lunch date will be nigh on impossible.

Why? Because I took L for her xray this morning and she has fractured her foot!

They bandaged it up and she went back to school (wearing her Ugg boots rather than her school shoes).

They have also found that she suffers from Accessory Navicular (also known as an extra foot bone). We think S probably does too as she has weird sticky out lumps on her ankles like S does and it is genetic and very much associated with flat feet (S has dead flat feet).

They think it could be an old fracture but the nurse didn't really go into any great details - she just said the fracture clinic would sort us out tomorrow. L is hoping for a pot as then she gets to use the lift at school. The fact that it is half term next week seems to have passed her by - how miserable will that be - no going out with her friends, no swimming, no clothes shopping.

I'm not sure what needs to be done about the Accessory Navicular. The nurse gave me some information on it which mentions treatment options but didn't really say much else. I will have to ask them tomorrow. I'm not even sure which bone is broken - maybe it is the extra one.

Bang goes my nice relaxing day.
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Re: My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby Ally » 13 Feb 2014, 14:31

That's a VERY long holiday. :lol: :lol: :lol:

On a serious note - hope L is ok.

And what a shame about your lovely day. :roll:
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Re: My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby debih » 13 Feb 2014, 14:37

allyluvselvis wrote:That's a VERY long holiday. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It isn't it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I meant 24th February. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby molly » 13 Feb 2014, 14:40

Oh dear! Poor girl.

At least with a 9.30 appointment they won't have had much time to run late. It may even be the first of the day.

Best of luck with the parking though.
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Re: My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby tonicha » 13 Feb 2014, 16:27

Good luck for tomorrow xx

And you can have a relaxing day another time, if the hospital over-run.
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Re: My relaxing day tomorrow

Postby Kaz » 13 Feb 2014, 16:48

Good luck with it all :) Hope L's foot will be ok xxx
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