Good morning Tuesday

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Good morning Tuesday

Postby Ally » 25 Mar 2025, 06:39

Good morning.

Sunny and forecast 22°. 8-)

My usual walk shortly. :D

Conor's coming over and we're going out for coffee and a pitufo. :D

I've a few things to get organised this afternoon.

TV tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 25 Mar 2025, 08:23

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Cool and grey start this morning, but the sun will be out later this morning and we'll have a lovely, warm day.

I have ironing to do, then picking a friend up in Ourique and bringing him back here, so he can sort Grumpy out, who has messed up the tv :roll:

I also have some stuff to sort out for Chris.

We will, no doubt, end up at the bar later :lol: Well, his wife will have to come and take him home :lol:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby meriad » 25 Mar 2025, 08:45

Hello you two and everyone - good morning

Ally - have a lovely morning / day with Conor and hope you get organised what needs organising
Jan - is friend coming to sort Grumpy or the TV? :lol: :lol: :lol: Good luck either way LOL

A grey day today - but a bright light grey if that makes sense? And really nippy again. Another usual / usual for me. We had a lovely afternoon celebrating Nadine's birthday yesterday so today will be a quiet day and evening at home.

Have a good day everyone x
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 25 Mar 2025, 08:51

meriad wrote:is friend coming to sort Grumpy or the TV?

Both, hopefully :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Osc » 25 Mar 2025, 10:28

Morning all, it’s very dull here but marginally warmer. Edward is not playing golf and is doing something outside that seems to involve sandpaper and paint. Sea air is very hard on paintwork. I have a list of bits and pieces to do, so will get on with them.

In the “good news” department, I got the five year all clear from my breast surgeon yesterday, and I can stop taking the hormone suppressant tablet I’ve been taking for five years - it feels like a little triumph :D
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby meriad » 25 Mar 2025, 10:50

Osc wrote:In the “good news” department, I got the five year all clear from my breast surgeon yesterday, and I can stop taking the hormone suppressant tablet I’ve been taking for five years - it feels like a little triumph :D

:Hi: :Hi: :Hi: :Hi: :Hi: :Hi: :Hi:
Oh Osc, that is just brilliant news - I'm so so happy for you. That definitely calls for a celebration - so hope you'll do something special this evening
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cruiser2 » 25 Mar 2025, 11:17

Good morning everybody.

It was only 14C when I got up and it was raining. There are stillgrey clouds but the sun is trying to come out.

I have been to have a pedicure. I have one every three months. The lady said my feet are still in good condition.

Now going to make a phone call to sort out my credit card. Got a text message last night to say there was unual activity on my account.
So ithas been closed, a new card is being issued. I have to set up a new password and other info. THankfully the credit card company are on the ball
and monitoring my purchases.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby jenniren » 25 Mar 2025, 12:19

Morning all :D

Hot 8-)

Great news Osc :D

Another beach day beckons.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 25 Mar 2025, 16:31

Afternoon everyone :)

Osc, that's brilliant news!. :Hi: :Hi: :Hi:

It's a chillier day here. Mick and I went out for breakfast, as we usually do on Tuesdays, but didn't go round to D's as she was going out to lunch with her friends from her Done quite a bit of housework this afternoon.

Love to all :) xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 25 Mar 2025, 18:07

:Hi: :Hi: :Hi: :Hi:

Brilliant news Osc :Hi: :Hi:

TV all sorted, think Grumpy pressed something he shouldn't :shock: :roll: :roll:

Steve is going for tests, as he has a lump (s) on one lung. As life long smoker, he's not having a good few months, with a TIA, very high blood suger.

He said he doesn't want help/sympathy and will just get on with it :? :?
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