Fortunately it doesn't seem to have come to anything.
They are both full of cold but fine. Neither has a temperature and they spent the whole day out with friends yesterday, sledging.
Millie seems good. She is eating quite a lot. She was sick yesterday - no idea why as it was inbetween meals. I am trying to introduce a different food as this ID is just so expensive at £2 a tin and she is now on between 1.5 and 2 tins a day. Maybe the first spoon of that (I mixed a small amount in with the ID and will slowly increase the new food and decrease the ID) upset her tummy. She has been fine since.
She is quite lively and seems happy enough. We weighed her yesterday. I had assumed that as she was eating so much she would have put on loads of weight - but no, she'd lost some. When we weighed her on Tuesday she was 11.75 kilos and when we weighed her last night she was 11.45 kilos. Only a small loss but a loss all the same. But she had been out for a walk with Mick. She is so bored - she is used to being out and about all the time and now spends most of her day maunging around the house. So Mick walked down the hill to the pub, stayed for an hour or so for her to get a decent rest (and him a couple of decent pints) and then walked back up again.
I do feel like we have turned a corner with her but I know I have felt that way before and she has gone downhill so we are just trying to take it one day at a time. She is back at the vets tomorrow for operation number 5.