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PostPosted: 27 Nov 2013, 22:34
by Aggers
Do any of you still watch Pointless?

We do most days when we are having our tea.

The only problem is that it makes us feel so thick - we rarely come up with a low-scoring answer.

One thing has struck me as being rather odd - I cannot remember ever seeing any man on the show wearing a tie!
In fact I call it Tieless now, not Pointless. :roll:
Mrs A says she thinks the BBC must insist on entrants removing their ties. But what for?

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2013, 23:14
by miasmum
I have only ever come up with one pointless answer, in fact I got two in the same round, but it was a Formula 1 one. Can't say I notice about the ties Aggers sorry

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 03:04
by Rodo
Yes, we still watch practically every episode. I think teatime TV on the BBC is often far better than any other programme at any other time apart from the rare exception.

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 11:48
by Workingman
I have been a member of the 100 Club on many occasions, but also Pointless once or twice. :shock:

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 12:06
by debih
I love this programme but rarely watch it as I'm too busy at that time of day.

I have got one or two pointless answers but there are loads that I have absolutely no idea about any answer, let alone a pointless one.

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 14:58
by Osc
We absolutely love Pointless and also watch it while having our dinner - Michael loves it too! I've had a few pointless answers, but quite a lot of 100 scorers too! I love the interaction between Xander and Richard, they are so funny.

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 18:00
by Diflower
I still usually put the Tv on in time for it, Bb too if he's here :)

Missed the beginning but I got a pointless in today's final - molybdenum :D
It's my usual chemical element answer, I only know the word because I used to know someone who dealt in it :D

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 19:08
by Workingman
Diflower wrote:I used to know someone who dealt in it :D

Pssst, can he get me some Mo? :o :lol: :lol:

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:31
by Diflower
Lol I doubt it, I don't know if he ever saw any :lol:
What does it look like ? - no idea :D

Re: Pointless

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:53
by miasmum
What is it :shock: :shock: