Strictly 10/11 results

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Strictly 10/11 results

Postby TheOstrich » 10 Nov 2013, 20:04

Interesting outcome - based on the performances on the night, I'd have agreed with Len and saved the couple who are now leaving .... but I guess based on performances since the show started, the right couple survived.

What did you think?
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby Rodo » 10 Nov 2013, 20:51

The relief!!!!!!!!!!! The other one will go next week I think.

Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby Diflower » 10 Nov 2013, 22:22

I thought Mark was overmarked on Saturday night, he really didn't do much dancing :?

Dave made us both laugh so much we were almost crying; poor man, he has tried so, so hard and learnt a lot of steps - but none of them coming together to make a dance :D
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby miasmum » 10 Nov 2013, 23:29

I liked it the week Len said you have the amazing ability of the right leg never letting the left leg know what it is doing
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby Osc » 11 Nov 2013, 21:00

Haven't seen the whole show or the results show as our Skybox is acting up and keeps freezing, but so glad that Dave has finally been voted out, it would have been a travesty if he had made it to Blackpool (and I very much dislike Karen) - we did see Mark dance and reckon he should be next. I'm afraid I was not totally convinced by Natalie's collapse, does that make me a bad person?

I actually know someone who will be in the audience in the Tower next Saturday!! She is beyond excited :kick:
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby Kaz » 11 Nov 2013, 22:36

LOL Osc when my sister went to see it (getting tickets via her daughter who was working behind the scenes) I think she was more excited than when she got married!!! :? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby jenniren » 12 Nov 2013, 08:24

I agree it was time for Dave to go, but he really has provided some great entertainment :lol: Don't mind losing either Mark or Fiona next week.

Like you osc E and I aren't convinced about Natalie's collapse either, so if you're a bad person that makes three of us :lol:

I hope they control the lighting at Blackpool better this year, we found it a big distraction last year, it wasn't our favourite show of the season. Having said that, I'm sure the excitement levels will be through the roof, it's such a big deal to dance there.
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Re: Strictly 10/11 results

Postby Fugitive » 13 Nov 2013, 18:07

Thank goodness the awful Dave and his horrid partner Karen have gone. He comes across as a picnic short of a sandwich. She seems as genuine as a nine bob note! <ancient cliché alert> Perhaps if they'd gone when they should have we might still have Pasha? :kick:
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