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Gogglebox, C4.

PostPosted: 30 Oct 2013, 23:25
by Workingman
If you haven't tried it, you must.

The posh couple are hilarious. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Gogglebox, C4.

PostPosted: 30 Oct 2013, 23:39
by debih
I love it. I'm currently watching it on plus 1.

The posh couple have been on four in a bed

Re: Gogglebox, C4.

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2013, 16:56
by saundra
i always watch it its a laugh
and the posh couple were brilliant in four in a bed
mind you they never seem sober
and the two ladys well will they ever find that mouse :lol: :lol:

Re: Gogglebox, C4.

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2013, 18:25
by Workingman
The Poshies are always sloshed, and when their dog farted, well.... :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: