Strictly week 5

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Strictly week 5

Postby Aggers » 26 Oct 2013, 21:17

What a smashing show it is turning out to be.

The standard of dancing of most of the celebrities is certainly high this year.

Did you notice that the BBC has banned the male contenders from baring their chests?
That suits me - but how about you ladies - do you agree?

I wonder if they will stop the female dancers from showing their knickers? :shock:

Re: Strictly week 5

Postby Rodo » 26 Oct 2013, 21:24

I suppose it was to prevent attempts to influence marking or something. I thought Abbey and Natalie were superb. I thought they were very hard on Patrick. He did so well, despite his injury. I wish the public wouldn't keep voting poor dancers through. I know Dave is amusing, but it becomes annoying.

Re: Strictly week 5

Postby miasmum » 26 Oct 2013, 23:03

I agree Rodo,it is time for Dave to go. I actually don't think much to Patrick, he is so flat footed.

I know Natalie is brilliant but she has been since week one and I just find her boring now. Liked Abbey's foxtrot very much. I love watching Mark, he interprets the dance perfectly.

Susanna just annoys me and why did she keep saying it was nice to have Craig back? He hasn't been anywhere has he?

Thought Sophie was lack lustre this week

Sadly I think Rachel will go this week, which means even more sadly so will the luscious Pasha
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby Rodo » 27 Oct 2013, 04:33

Craig - well he has just had his hip replacement last Sunday. That must be what she means.

I forgot Mark - he did very well didn't he.

Re: Strictly week 5

Postby miasmum » 27 Oct 2013, 09:49

Oh she was playing the 'we are here on Sunday's you know' game was she :lol: :lol:
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby jenniren » 27 Oct 2013, 10:38

Top dancers for me this week were Abbey and Aljaz, loved them.
Natalie and Artem were excellent as usual too.
It definitely wasn't Sophie's night, she looked very disconnected somehow.
Love Mark and Iveta, they always make me smile.
Suzanna annoys me too shell and I agree Patrick is dreadfully flat footed.

Think you could be right about Rachel being voted out this week. Of course it should be Dave, but he's so funny and it's hilarious watching the judges trying to keep a straight face, even Craig couldn't manage it last night :lol: I think he could be around for a few more weeks. The mind boggles at what they'll do with him for Halloween night. Tbh I don't really mind as the rest of the bunch are only so so and won't really be missed much.
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby Osc » 27 Oct 2013, 12:12

I reckon the bottom two might be Dave and Rachel. Dave was much weaker this week and even his hard work and sense of fun didn't carry it through for me. Rachel is just not good enough either and I suppose Deborah could be a contender. Sophie was a bit bland, although the judges seemed to like her (don't like Brendan's jacket style this season, far too '80s and they keep riding up on his shoulders). Sorry to say it but Natalie is too good - I know people who went to drama school did dancing, but she has obviously had far more proper dance training (you can see from the internet that she has) which makes it very difficult for anyone to come near her in ability, or for the lesser dancers to make the true Strictly "journey". I also find Susannah irritating, but I liked Abbey last night.

Don't know what drugs Craig was on, but he was in fine form!!
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby miasmum » 27 Oct 2013, 14:19

It was his sparkly chair Osc :lol: :lol:

I actually find Natalie completely bland and boring. I was glad she was on first. It's like Sunday when they have the professional dance first, I always think, oh that was nice, now lets get on with the programme
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby miasmum » 27 Oct 2013, 22:59

Aw that was sad, but I won't say anymore in case anyone hasn't watched yet
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Re: Strictly week 5

Postby Diflower » 27 Oct 2013, 23:27

It was wasn't it :(
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