Strictly 3rd Nov

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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby TheOstrich » 04 Nov 2013, 11:51

Sophie has really got to up her game, the last two weeks' dances have been pretty dismal. In a way, perhaps she peaked too soon with that Charleston ....
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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby Osc » 05 Nov 2013, 11:52

I think it was actually time Rachel went, to be honest, she would not be the first celeb to leave the week they do their best dance. I do think Dave should be gone by now and I cannot stand his partner Karen, far too full of herself. Still don't like Natalie, she has all the technical ability, has had from day one which makes you wonder about the fairness of it, but she acts as if she knows she is the best, and does not put anything of herself into the various dances. Technically excellent but no soul. I'd love to see Sophie step it up a bit, looking cool is all very well but it needs more.
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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby Aggers » 05 Nov 2013, 15:04

I must admit that I am getting a bit fed-up the voting farce.

The show itself is quite entertaining but, to me, it is getting more like ITV than BBC.

I wish the BBC sound engineers would balance up the inputs from the various microphones.
The input from those positioned to pick up audience sounds is often too loud and make if
difficult to hear what is being said. (and why do the audience shout and scream so much? --
what's happened to good old-fashioned applause?)

Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby Lozzles » 05 Nov 2013, 17:51

I'm with you Aggers. I also wish people would be allowed to dance without everyone cheering. Cheer at the end of the dance if you want to, but all the way through? :roll:
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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby miasmum » 05 Nov 2013, 19:52

I agree too, it is getting more ITV than BBC

Osc, I completely agree with your comments about Natalie. 8-)
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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby Fugitive » 08 Nov 2013, 17:35

Lozzles wrote:I'm with you Aggers. I also wish people would be allowed to dance without everyone cheering. Cheer at the end of the dance if you want to, but all the way through? :roll:

There's a brilliant band, excellent vocalists who do justice to the original chosen song, the dancers who have practiced and practiced keeping in time to the beat and then the audience claps to the rhythm but that is what the band is for to keep time and that awful clapping is a horrid distraction. And if Hairy Biker doesn't go this week something dodgy is going on :evil:
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Re: Strictly 3rd Nov

Postby Aggers » 08 Nov 2013, 19:13

Fugitive wrote:There's a brilliant band, excellent vocalists who do justice to the original chosen song, the dancers who have practiced and practiced keeping in time to the beat and then the audience claps to the rhythm but that is what the band is for to keep time and that awful clapping is a horrid distraction.

I agree that the band is good, but I don't think that there should be vocalists when playing for ballroom dancing
because very few singers can keep strict timing, which is of vital importance for dancing.

The clapping is unnecessary, too, and should not be allowed. The time for clapping is at the conclusion of a number.


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