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PostPosted: 18 Dec 2018, 17:48
by victor
As my son has SKYGO he set up SKY SPORTS on my HUDL .allowed to install on 5 other tablets/mobiles etc ,worked fine until a week ago when I suddenly got the following---
The codec has reported an error--ERROR 14. There have been many people getting this a far back as at least 03/17 that I have seen on a Sky page.
However SKY can offer NO explanation as to what this is or how to correct it other than to say -"it just seems to come and go"--uninstall reboot and re-install MIGHT sort it out!!! NO IT DOESN'T!!!

Re: sky

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2018, 19:19
by Suff
HI Vic, did your Hudl get a firmware update? Or did you get an updated app on the system (yes I know they update faster than rabbits breed).

There are a lot of options. I've been surfing the Android forums and error 14 is not entirely linked to codec. This leads me to wonder whether it is either space or memory related. I had a problem with iPlayer a few years ago, my Chinese Android phone on Android 6 simply would not stream. However my Samsung Galaxy Note2 on KitKat (4.4.4), worked perfectly. In the end I narrowed it down to the fact that the Chinese phone only had 1GB of RAM.

It is possible that the Sky app has become so large that it has finally reached the limit of your system memory with the number of apps installed.

Other possibilities? It is likely that either the system has updated and changed Codecs, which are incompatible with the Sky App, or another app on the system has interfered with the Codecs and has put one there which is incompatible with Sky. This is harder to detect than storage/memory space issues. It is also, on Android, one hell of a lot harder to fix.

Looking at the HUDL specs, the original only has 1GB of RAM. Not a lot for modern video streaming apps.

Worth checking.

[Edit] The RAM thing may also explain the number of people who complain about intermittent errors. It would depend on what was loaded and running at the time.

Re: sky

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2018, 23:37
by victor
Cheers Suff will look into that/
I am just amazed that Sky don't seem to have a clue