Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 11:04
Yay, the pet board is up and running as well. Well done everyone involved!
I did have a giggle this morning. My new feline addition Ava quite likes water and whenever I shower or bath she'll come and check things out. She's also fascinated by noise the bath drain makes when I use the basin (the outlets are linked so the bath always gurgles when I let water out the basin).
The sealant around my bath got damaged this weekend gone, so until I can get it fixed this coming weekend I'm bathing in the mornings vs showering. This morning Ava came in just as I was about to get into the bath and she jumped up on the edge. I had turned my back for a second to grab something and next thing I new she was trying to get into my bath . Thankfully it wasn't a very deep one so all she managed was get her front paws wet before I scooped her up. But had it been the weekend and I'd have had the time to make sure she was dry properly I think I'd have left her to see just how far she went. Daft cat
I did have a giggle this morning. My new feline addition Ava quite likes water and whenever I shower or bath she'll come and check things out. She's also fascinated by noise the bath drain makes when I use the basin (the outlets are linked so the bath always gurgles when I let water out the basin).
The sealant around my bath got damaged this weekend gone, so until I can get it fixed this coming weekend I'm bathing in the mornings vs showering. This morning Ava came in just as I was about to get into the bath and she jumped up on the edge. I had turned my back for a second to grab something and next thing I new she was trying to get into my bath . Thankfully it wasn't a very deep one so all she managed was get her front paws wet before I scooped her up. But had it been the weekend and I'd have had the time to make sure she was dry properly I think I'd have left her to see just how far she went. Daft cat